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Internet Access Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define when and how the use of computer facilities by an employee is appropriate.


Department of ICT



The purpose of this policy is to define when and how the use of computer facilities by an employee is appropriate. Whilst the Government respects the individual privacy of its personnel, this does not extend to employee’s work related conduct or use of equipment or supplies provided by Government. Personnel should be aware that this policy may affect their privacy in the workplace. Violation of this policy may lead to disciplinary action and in more extreme circumstances may lead to account suspension, HR warnings, criminal sanctions or other legal proceedings.


Government Network Systems -  wired (LAN) or wireless (wifi) networks.

Software - A generic term describing all kinds of computer programs, applications and operating systems.

Internet -    a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities

E-mail -      exchanging messages between staff using electronic devices.


The overall responsibility for this policy shall be the Director of ICT.

The overall responsibility for the control of this policy at Department level shall be the concerned Heads of Departments.


Computer technology has revolutionized the workplace and many personnel at the government now have access to a computer. All computers at the government are networked so that personnel have accessed e-mail and where authorized access to the internet. Whilst these are invaluable communication tools in the operation of the Government, interference or misuse can cause significant damage to the productivity of Government services and expose the government to legal risks such as:

  1. Sexual harassment/discrimination
  2. Defamation
  3. Intellectual property infringement




Under the Copyright Act 1917, unauthorized duplication and distribution of software can expose the Government of Tuvalu and any employee who infringes the law to heavy fines and claims for civil damages. An employee who infringes the law also face criminal charges with possible jail terms.

All personnel of the Government of Tuvalu are prohibited from duplicating or distributing any software that the Government owns or uses under license. Personnel are required to report any violation or misuse by any other employee to their relevant Head of Department.

All personnel are prohibited from using or installing any unauthorized software on any Government computer e.g: games; viruses; non-government programs.

Infringement of any of the above conditions will be viewed seriously by the Government of Tuvalu and disciplinary proceedings may follow. Disciplinary action may include a warning, transfer, suspension of account or further penalties. In circumstances where copyright is infringed, the Government of Tuvalu may report the infringement to relevant third parties or authorities.

Electronic mail (e-mail)

Electronic e-mail is a Government support facility and is to be used only as an extension to written and verbal communication for Government purposes only. 

The Government of Tuvalu has implemented an electronic mail service for use by all staff to facilitate communication and to support Government needs with the aim of improving productivity.

Electronic e-mail is a significant user of network capacity and may affect the response time of others using the network. Reading and sending unauthorized messages can also consume significant work time. E-mail transmitted or received on the Government network is the property of the Government of Tuvalu. By nature if the sender or recipient address, all messages are traceable and can be recalled and accessed at any time. Messages sent are legally associated with the Government of Tuvalu.

The protection of the Government of Tuvalu’s reputation and the rights of civil servants to enjoy the use of electronic equipment in the furtherance of their work without being subjected to indiscriminate ‘junk mail’ or offensive material is paramount.

E-mail messages are only to be used for legitimate Government business.  Misuse of the e-mail facility is a violation of Government policy and may lead to disciplinary action. This can include account suspension, legal action or further disciplinary measures.

Example of violation may include:

  1. Sending ‘junk e-mails’ (i.e chain letter; graphics; jokes; personal notices)
  2. Testifying or falsifying a message and/or sender message.
  3. Using e-mail facility for personal communications.
  4. Transmitting any information which includes sexually explicit messages, photography, cartoons, jokes, ethnic or racial slurs, or any material that could be construed to be harassment or disparagement of others based on their sex, pregnancy, race, marital status, sexual preferences, disability, age, religious or political beliefs.

If you receive any e-mail that you suspect may contain a virus, do not open it, report the incident to ICT Help Desk immediately and wait for further advice.

If you receive any e-mail that contains pornography or other offensive or illegal material, delete it immediately. If you can identify the sender of any unwanted material from within the Government of Tuvalu, please notify your relevant Head of Department who will take the appropriate action.

Internet Use

The internet is a costly and valuable resource for the productivity of the Government. However, it is also a threat as a result of both incoming and outgoing traffic. It is a policy of the Government of Tuvalu that the internet is not to be used for personal reasons on any government computer at any time unless prior consent from management has been given. Access to the internet is therefore provided on the basis of the following strict guidelines.

  1. Intentionally downloading any illegal material (e.g. pornography; manufacturing instructions for illicit material) from the internet is strictly forbidden and will be the subject of disciplinary action.
  2. Intentionally sending illegal material via the internet is strictly forbidden and will be subject for disciplinary action
  3. Intentionally downloading any offensive information is strictly forbidden and will be subject for disciplinary action.
  4. Mail subscriptions to outside lists are not allowed unless approved by your relevant Head of Department.
  5. ‘surfing the web’ for personal information will be permitted during lunch breaks on sites of a moral nature.

Any infringement will be subject to disciplinary action.

Heads of Departments are responsible for ensuring that all staff that accesses the internet, do not breach any Government guidelines.

All staff are advised that the use of the internet is traceable to individual and will be regularly monitored. Any violations will be referred to your Head of Department and will be subject for disciplinary procedures.


Opetaia Simati,




2021-09-21 09:01:56

Department of ICT

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